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Type checking and conversion predicates:
const checks whether a term
is a constant
var checks whether a term
is a not-instantiated variable
number checks whether a
term is a number
integer checks whether
the argument is integer or converts it to integer
float checks whether the
argument is float or converts it to float
round returns integer which
is round the argument
ceiling returns integer
which is bigger than the argument
floor returns integer which
is smaller than the argument
= unify
?= unifyable
\= not unifiable
> bigger than
< less than
=:= equal
>= bigger or equal to
=< less or equal to
=\= not equal
is evaluates righthandside arithmetical expression
and unifies the value with the lefthandside variable (Prolog 'assignment')
:= stable assignment
has_to unstable assignment
Standard arithmetic:
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
** exponentiation
// integer division
mod modulo
rem remainder
abs returns the absolute value
sign returns the sign
random generates random numbers
print converts a term to a string
printq converts a term to a string
(without calculating it)
scan converts a string to a term
+ strings concatenation
sub_string finds substrings from the given string
string_end finds ends from the given string
str_length finds the length of the given
split splits a string using separator character
equal compares strings (with case and no
less_than compares strings (with case and
no case)
replace replace one string with another
string_from_ASCII makes string from ASCII number
first_ASCII returns the ASCII code of the first symbol
charAt returns a char from its position
Char Sets:
char_set gets and sets the default char set
char_set_name returns the name of the char set
convert_charset changes the char
convert_UTF8_to_local converts
from UTF-8 to 8 bit char set
Bitwise functions:
>> shift all bits in right
<< shift all bits in left
/\ bitwise and function
\/ bitwise or function
xor bitwise xor function
\ bitwise not function
find_first_1_in Find the first instance of {1} in N
find_last_1_in Find the last instance of {1} in N
find_any_1_in Find all instances of {1} in N
count_all_1s_in count how many instances of {1} are in N
Floating point functions:
sin calculates the sine
cos calculates the cosine
tg calculates the tangent
arcsin calculates the arcsine
arccos calculates the arccosine
arctg calculates the arctangent
sinh calculates the hyperbolic
sine function
cosh calculates the hyperbolic
cosine function
tgh calculates the hyperbolic
tangent function
sqrt calculates the square
log calculates the natural
log10 calculates the logarithm
with base ten
exp calculates the exponent