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Entity: function
Entity: function
Entity: function
Entity: function
R is Number >> Shift
R is Number << Shift
R is Arg1 /\ Arg2
R is Arg1 \/ Arg2
R is Arg1 xor Arg2
R is \Argument
R is find_first_1_in(N)
R is find_last_1_in(N)
R is find_any_1_in(N)
R is count_all_1s_in(N)
Bitwise functions
>> shifts right all bits
<< shift left all bits
These functions shift all bits of the Number in Shift positions (left or right). The positions which after that will be free will be set to zero.
For example 6>>2=:=1 and 6<<2=:=24.
/\ bitwise and function
\/ bitwise or function
xor bitwise xor function
\ bitwise not function
These functions make the corresponding logic operation between all bits of the arguments. For example 7/\13=:=5 because bits 1 and 4 are in 7 and in 13 but bit 8 is only in 13 like the bit 2 which is only in 7( 7=:=4+2+1, 13=:=8+4+1 and 5=:=4+1).
find_first_1_in – Find the first instance of {1} in N and return its position. If N=0 then this function fails (no answer).
find_last_1_in – Find the last instance of {1} in N and return its position. If N=0 then this function fails (no answer).
find_any_1_in – Find all instances of {1} in N and return their positions. The first answer is the first position, the second answer is the second one and so on.
count_all_1s_in – Count how many instances of {1} are in N and return their number.
These functions find some instances of {1} and count their number.