Here you can read online the Strawberry Prolog Help. This help is included in the installation of Strawberry Prolog but if you do not want to install the compiler then you can take only the Help file. |
If you are looking for a help then the easiest way is to go to our chat room. You can ask your question there even if the list of logged users is empty. Many people read the chat and login only if they want to write something. Even if your question is not answered immediately it will receive an answer later on.
We will highly appreciate if you about any difficulty which you come across working with Strawberry Prolog. Please, describe the problem and we will do our best to remove it. Also inform us about any bug that you come across. If you have any ideas or views of criticism we will be very grateful to receive them.
Based on your letters a list of bugs to be fixed will be supported. We will add information how to go around those bugs by the time they get fixed.
Not fixed bugs
If you find any bug, please send it to us. We will correct
it as soon as it is possible.