Entity: predicate
What is get(File, Length)
Serializes variable What, using the file with handle File from which getting several bytes (how much depend of Length).
put(What, File, Length)
Serializes variable What, using the file with handle File in which putting several bytes (how much depend of Length).
If Length is int8 then gets/puts one byte (the value has to be between 0 and 255).
If Length is int16 then gets/puts two bytes (the value has to be between 0 and 65,535).
If Length is int32 then gets/puts four bytes.
If Length is int64 then gets/puts eight bytes.
If Length is float32 then gets/puts four bytes in float format.
If Length is float64 then gets/puts eight bytes in float format.
Remark: The use of get and put will move the file position (you can change its value by the predicate set_file_pos).
See also: