Home Page of Dimiter Dimitrov Dobrev

Dimiter Dobrev
    That’s me

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I was born on 25 of April, 1966 in Sofia, Bulgaria. I graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Sofia. Now I work at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and I teach Logic, Discrete Mathematics, AI and Prolog at the University of Sofia and at the New Bulgarian University.

The most significant thing which I made in my life is the definition of Artificial Intelligence which is a part from the AI - Project. I published this definition in November'2000 in PC Magazine Bulgaria. Also you can read my PhD thesis which title is “Artificial Intelligence – definition, realization and consequences”.

In order to explain my PhD thesis to people who are not mathematicians I am writing a novel about AI. You cannot read this novel because it is on Bulgarian language but if you click here you will see the illustrations.

I was for five months in Netherlands at the University of Twente. Here you can read my final report from that specialisation. 

My master’s thesis was “Periodical Cyclings in Prolog” under the supervision of my teacher Dimiter Skordev. This thesis studied the problem of infinite loops in Prolog programs.

A Prolog compiler called Strawberry Prolog is considered to be the most attractive of my works. That’s why I suggest you spare some time to have a look.

Strawberry Prolog

My articles are mainly about Artificial Intelligence. You can read these articles in AI - Project.

Other articles about different topics:

About metro traffic:
D. Dobrev. Patent № 67273 B1 issued by the Bulgarian Patent Office (in Bulgarian language)
D. Dobrev. Patent 7091334 issued by the Japan Patent Office (in Japanese language)
D. Dobrev, D. Dimitrov. Metro Traffic Management Scheme Based on Wagons Travelling in Autonomous Mode
D. Dobrev, D. Dimitrov. Повишаване ефективността на метрополитена, чрез разделяне на метровлаковете на отделни автономно движещи се вагони (in Bulgarian language)

About health insurance funds:
D. Dobrev. Health insurance funds that manage money without saving it (in Bulgarian language)
   August 27, 2019

About bonus-malus system:
D. Dobrev. The Bonus-Malus System Based on the Vehicle (in Bulgarian language)
   November 25, 2018 (viXra:1811.0400)
   I took part in the development of this proposal. (Bulgarian language)
   In connection with the bonus-malus system, we are organizing this discussion. (Bulgarian language)

About transliteration:
L. Ivanov, D. Skordev, D. Dobrev. The new national standard for the Romanization of Bulgarian. Mathematica Balkanica, 24 (2010), Fasc. 1-2, 121-130.