More details about
“The algorithm of the Thinking machine”
Represented at 12 of May, 2016 at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Sofia. Here are the slides and the audio record of the lecture. (in Bulgarian language)
On 15 of May, 2016 the paper was submitted at and at the AIMSA 2016 conference. The version for AIMSA was shorter.
Unfortunately arXiv rejected the submission. The answer was that this paper does not contain sufficient original or substantive research to merit inclusion within arXiv. On 19 of May, 2016 the new variant of the paper was submitted again at arXiv but it was also rejected. This time the answer of arXiv was more polite.
These two variants of the paper were submitted at viXra:1605.0190 respectively on 18 and on 20 of May, 2016.
On 23 of May, 2016 the paper was published here on
On 26 of May, 2016 the paper was published here on and in Bulgarian language on