Artificial Intelligence - Project


How to make AI with a good character? (Bulgarian translation is available)
   June 29, 2024

Description of the Hidden State of the World, slides, (Bulgarian translation is available)
   April 15, 2024 (viXra:2404.0075)

Artificial Intelligence – definition, realization and consequences, (This is my PhD thesis. Bulgarian translation is available. More details.)
   November 5, 2022 (viXra:2201.0144), defended at July 12, 2024 (video)

The AI Definition and a Program Which Satisfies this Definition (Bulgarian translation is available)
   October 24, 2022 (arXiv:2212.03184)

Language for Description of Worlds (Bulgarian translation is available)
   April 26, 2020 (Serdica Journal of Computing, Part 1: Theoretical Foundation (2022) and Part 2: The Sample World (2023), arXiv:2010.16243)

Demonstration of Event-Driven Models (Bulgarian translation is available – article, slides)
   January 2, 2020, this is a short summary.

Before We Can Find a Model, We Must Forget about Perfection (Bulgarian translation is available – article, slides)
   November 10, 2019 (Serdica Journal of Computing 2021, arXiv:1912.04964)

Event-Driven Models (Bulgarian translation is available)
   November 5, 2018 (IJ IMA 2019, arXiv:1906.10740)

Minimal and Maximal models in Reinforcement Learning (Bulgarian translation is available)
   August 25, 2018 (IJ ITA 2019, viXra:1808.0589)

AI Should Not Be an Open Source Project (Bulgarian translation is available)
   May 11, 2018 (IJ ICP 2019, arXiv:1806.03250)

The IQ of Artificial Intelligence (Bulgarian translation is available)
   December 4, 2017 (Serdica Journal of Computing 2019, arXiv:1806.04915)

How does the AI understand what's going on (Bulgarian translation is available)
   September 22, 2017 (IJ ITA 2017, arXiv:1805.00851)

Incorrect Moves and Testable States (Bulgarian translation is available)
   April 20, 2017 (IJ ITA 2017, More details)

The algorithm of the Thinking machine (Bulgarian translation is available)
   May 12, 2016 (More details)

Giving the AI definition a form suitable for engineers (Bulgarian translation is available)
   April 3, 2013 (arXiv:1312.5713)

Comparison between the two definitions of AI (Bulgarian translation is available)
   I owe an apology to Shane Legg and Marcus Hutter because in the above article I unfairly accuse them of using my article without citing it. I carefully read Marcus Hutter's article from April 2000 and saw that the main ideas were published there, long before I published them. Therefore, I offer my sincerest apologies for the unfair accusation.

One talk about the Artificial Intelligence
   August 5, 2009, Contributed talk given at Logic Colloquium 2009

The Definition of AI in Terms of Multi Agent Systems (Bulgarian translation is available)
   December'2008, we will try to publish this paper in Serdica Journal of Computing

Second Attempt to Build a Model of the Tic-Tac-Toe Game
   June'2008 (represented at KDS 08), published in IBS ISC, Book 2, p.146

Two fundamental problems connected with AI
   June'2007 (represented at KDS 07, Volume 2, p.667)

Parallel between definition of chess playing program and definition of AI

Formal Definition of AI
   October'2005 (published in IJ ITA, Volume 12, Number 3, p.277)

Testing AI in One Artificial World
   June'2005 (represented at KDS 05, Volume 2, Section 4, p.461)

A Definition of Artificial Intelligence
   September'2003 (Mathematica Balkanica 2005, arXiv:1210.1568)

AI - How it copes in arbitrary world

AI - What is this
   November'2000 (Bulgarian and Italian translations are available, some discussions were made about this paper.)

AI - Project include not only theoretical part but also some applications:

Strawberry Prolog
   The most developed part of AI - Project is this prolog compiler. It has a complete programme environment and it contains many programs which are in the connection with AI - Project. For example in Strawberry Prolog you can find some tests for intelligence which are made on the base of these artificial worlds which are described in our definition of AI.

Strawberry Prolog

Here there are two simple program experiments:

First and oldest application
   It was made in 1993. This application is one simple program which can catch dependencies. This give to this program the possibility to guess infinite rows and to predict how they will continue.

Generator of simple implications
   It was made in 2001 and published in 2008.

We started making a popular-science film about AI. The title is “The Last Discovery of Mankind”.

If you speak Bulgarian you can hear the radio interview which I gave about AI.