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Here you can find different types of information about our product.
What is specific for Strawberry Prolog:
  The unique debug facilities. Part of them is the tool Proof Tree. In it you can see how your goal was satisfied. You can see its Proof Tree and even open its sub-branches by double clicking. We hope that you will like this possibility, especially, because you have not got it in any other Prolog compiler.
  E-mail predicates (this gives you the possibility automatically to generate letters and to manage your correspondence).
  Global variables. These are variables which are visible in the whole program, not in one clause only.
  Prolog CGI Scripts. Look at our new games which are made in this way.
  Object Browser and OLE functionality.

Global variables are very convenient as illustrated in the examples. Certainly you can do without them (when you need a value somewhere in the program, then you can get to it passing it from clause to clause as an extra argument or you can assert it). In 90% of the cases by global variables and by := (evaluation resistant on backtracking) you can avoid the use of assert and make your program more readable.

In version 1.2 the way in which you can define functions is changed. For example if you wish to define function add(X,Y) and to use it like Result is add(2,2) to obtain 4 then the old definition style is:

add(Result, X, Y) :- Result is X + Y.

and the new style is:
Result is add(X,Y) :- Result := X + Y.

You can look at submit.pro and at greeting.cgi as an example for client server application which uses Cookies, SQL and e-mail predicates. These two programs work together. The first one takes your name and e-mail (when you fill the fields in our download center and press the OK button). By using this information submit.pro sets a cookie on your computer and next time you open the Home page of our site then greeting.cgi checks for such a cookie and if it finds it then writes a greeting message with your name on it (in the place on Welcome New User).

If you want to make a program which operates with HTML forms then it is a good idea to look at this example. Here is the source of the example.

If you like to see more complicated and more amusing Prolog CGI Scripts then visit our Game Room and play our games written in Strawberry Prolog. (To play these games you don’t need to install any software because they will run on our server as CGI scripts.)

If you want to get familiar with the environment and the syntax of Strawberry Prolog then we recommend you Strawberry Prolog Tutorial which is part of the documentation of our product. You can find it in our Help file.

If you want to download programs written on Strawberry Prolog then go to Software.

We offer you Photographs and additional information about the presentation of Strawberry Prolog version 1.0 which was made in the University of Sofia on 3 December 1998. You can also see the reaction of this event in the press.

You can read one more interesting article about Strawberry Prolog which was published in September'2000.

Our site does not have a counter but if you want to know how many people are coming in our site and how popular is Strawberry Prolog in your country then you can take a look at Web Server Statistics of our server in USA.

We do not want you to take it for granted that Strawberry Prolog is the best Prolog compiler. We give you the list of all Prolog compilers which we know about. Go and have a look, we are sure that you will come back.

If you find a competitive program better than this one then forget about Strawberry Prolog and go for the better one. If you cannot afford to drive the best car for it is too expensive then you can use the best program because it is usually far cheaper than those of the competition.

If you hear about any Prolog compiler which is not in our list, please, mail to us and we will include it.

We also offer you to visit: Web-sites about Prolog.

If you are looking for help then the easiest way is to go to our chat room. You can ask your question there even if the list of logged users is empty. Many people read the chat and login only if they want to write something. Even if your question is not answered immediately it will receive an answer later on.

If you need additional information or you want to contact us for any reason, please, us and be sure that we will answer.

If you are fan of Strawberry Prolog and you want to help for its distribution then put a link in your web page to ours: http://www.dobrev.com. a mail with the address of your web site and its short annotation and we will provide a link to it in:

Web-sites connected with Strawberry Prolog

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